Doodle puppy in male owners arms in front of Freak On A Leash facility in Chesapeake

Many relaxation exercises exist from different trainers and vet behaviorists, but they all have one thing in common. They teach the dog to think slower instead of reacting to every stimulus. Relaxation exercises prepare your dog for stimulating, exciting and unpredictable events. Many of our furry friends have not learned to relax or do nothing. Relaxation exercises have shown a significant impact on behavior problems in dogs.

The following exercises are from the Animal Behavior Clinic in Portland. The original relaxation protocol is from Karen Overall and her book “Clinical Behavioral Medicine For Small Animals.”

Preparing your dog for relaxation exercises

Before starting your relaxation exercise, your dog will need to learn to stay in a relaxed position for a little while. To teach the relaxed, down position:

  • Ask your dog to sit.
  • Then ask your dog to lay down.
  • Once your dog is lying in a down, use a treat or piece of kibble to lure him/her into a relaxed down by feeding him toward his shoulder.
  • Keep giving treats/kibble in this position (your dog should look like a crescent roll, laying on one hip).
  • Move around just a tiny bit to teach him/her to stay in the relaxed, down position, be generous with treats/ kibble.

Once your dog has some practice being in a “relaxed down” position, ask him to get into “relaxed down.” If you want to use a verbal cue, chill, relax or settle, work well.

Practice the first few tasks of Session 1 and reward with a treat (low or medium value, nothing too exciting) after every task. If your dog gets up during any of the tasks, don’t give a treat but lure him back into relaxed down and make the task easier by decreasing duration or distance.

When practicing relaxing, avoid loud and fast movements. Breathe slowly, be calm and dispense treats slowly. Your dog will mirror your calm state.

When your dog is successful doing a few tasks in a row without getting up, looking anxious, breathing hard or showing any stressed body language you can try to complete Session 1.

Your dog will earn a treat for every task of Session 1, so make sure to use very small treats or use his regular dog food.

Remember, the goal is for your dog to choose to stay in the relaxed position because that earns him the reward, rather than staying in the position to avoid a correction for breaking the “stay” too soon. This distinction may seem subtle, but the impact is tremendous on the outcome of the training exercise!

Focus on the relaxed position, slower breathing, relaxed ears, soft eyes, and relaxed shoulders. By rewarding more relaxed states in your dog, you will be able to shift his emotional state.

Only move on to the next session if your dog can stay relaxed for the complete session.

If your dog can’t relax for the whole session (barks, stands up, walks away, or seems stressed), make the tasks easier or try again later when he looks more relaxed.

Repeat the session later or the day after until he can be relaxed through the session before moving on to the next session.

Session 1

Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down while you take 1 step back and return
Relaxed down while you take 2 steps back and return
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down while you take 1 step to the right and return
Relaxed down while you take 1 step to the left and return
Relaxed down while you take 2 steps back and return
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down while you take 2 steps back and return
Relaxed down while you take 2 steps to the right and return
Relaxed down while you take 2 steps back and return
Relaxed down for 15 seconds
Relaxed down while you take 2 steps to the left and return
Relaxed down while you clap your hands softly once
Relaxed down while you take 3 steps back and return
Relaxed down while you count out loud to 10
Relaxed down while you clap your hands softly once
Relaxed down while you count out loud to 20
Relaxed down while you take 3 steps to the right and return
Relaxed down while you clap your hands softly twice
Relaxed down for 3 seconds
Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down while you take 1 step back and return
Relaxed down for 3 seconds
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down for 3 seconds

Session 2

Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down while you take 1 step back and return
Relaxed down while you take 3 steps back and return
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down while you take 3 steps to the right and return
Relaxed down while you take 3 steps to the left and return
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down while you take 3 steps to the right and clap your hands
Relaxed down while you take 2 steps to the left and clap your hands
Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down while you walk one fourth of the way around the dog to the right
Relaxed down while you take 4 steps back
Relaxed down while you walk one fourth of the way around the dog to the left
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down while you take 5 steps back from the dog, clapping your hands and return
Relaxed down while you walk halfway around the dog to the right and return
Relaxed down while you walk halfway around the dog to the left and return
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down while you jog quietly in place for 3 seconds
Relaxed down while you jog quietly in place for 5 seconds
Relaxed down while you jog quietly in place for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down while you jog one fourth of the way around the dog to the right and return
Relaxed down while you jog one fourth of the way around the dog to the left and return
Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down for 10 seconds

Session 3

Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 15 seconds
Relaxed down while you take 2 steps backward and return
Relaxed down while you jog 5 steps backward from the dog and return
Relaxed down while you walk halfway around the dog to the right and return
Relaxed down while you walk halfway around the dog to the left and return
Relaxed down while you take 10 steps backward and return
Relaxed down for 15 seconds
Relaxed down while you take 10 steps to the left and return
Relaxed down while you take 10 steps to the right and return
Relaxed down for 20 seconds
Relaxed down while you walk halfway around the dog to the right, clapping your hands and return
Relaxed down for 20 seconds
Relaxed down while you walk halfway around the dog to the left, clapping your hands and return
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down while you take 10 steps to the right and return
Relaxed down while you take 10 steps to the left and return
Relaxed down while you jog in place for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 15 seconds
Relaxed down while you jog in place for 20 seconds
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down while you jog 5 steps backward from the dog and return
Relaxed down while you jog to the right 5 steps and return
Relaxed down while you jog to the left 5 steps and return
Relaxed down for 5 seconds while you clap your hands
Relaxed down for 10 seconds while you clap your hands
Relaxed down while you jog one fourth of the way around the dog to the left and return
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 5 seconds

Session 4

Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down while you jog 5 steps backward from the dog and return
Relaxed down for 20 seconds
Relaxed down while you walk halfway around the dog to the right and return
Relaxed down while you walk halfway around the dog to the left and return
Relaxed down while you move 3/4 of the way around the dog to the right and return
Relaxed down while you move 3/4 of the way around the dog to the left and return
Relaxed down while you jog backward 5 steps, clapping your hands and return
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down while you clap your hands for 20 seconds
Relaxed down while you move quickly backward 10 steps and return
Relaxed down while you move quickly backward 15 steps and return
Relaxed down for 20 seconds
Relaxed down while you jog halfway around the dog to the right and return
Relaxed down while you jog halfway around the dog to the left and return
Relaxed down while you walk quickly 15 steps to the right and return
Relaxed down while you walk quickly 15 steps to the left and return
Relaxed down for 20 seconds
Relaxed down while you move 3/4 of the way around the dog to the right and return
Relaxed down while you move 3/4 of the way around the dog to the left and return
Relaxed down while you walk all the way around the dog
Relaxed down while you walk approximately 20 steps to an entrance and return
Relaxed down while you walk approximately 20 steps to an entrance, clapping your hands then return
Relaxed down while you walk around the dog, quietly clapping your hands and return
Relaxed down for 20 seconds
Relaxed down while you jog quickly around the dog
Relaxed down for 20 seconds
Relaxed down for 10 seconds while you clap your hands

Session 5

Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down for 15 seconds
Relaxed down while you walk quickly 15 steps to the right and return
Relaxed down while you walk quickly 15 steps to the left and return
Relaxed down while you walk approximately 20 steps to an entrance and return
Relaxed down while you walk approximately 20 steps to an entrance, clapping your hands then return
Relaxed down for 20 seconds
Relaxed down while you walk around the dog, quietly clapping your hands and return
Relaxed down for 20 seconds
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down while you walk quickly backward, clapping your hands, and return
Relaxed down while you walk approximately 20 steps to an entrance and return
Relaxed down while you walk approximately 20 steps to an entrance, clapping your hands then return
Relaxed down while you go to an entrance and touch the doorknob or wall and return
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down while you walk quickly backward, clapping your hands, and return
Relaxed down while you walk approximately 20 steps to an entrance and return
Relaxed down while you walk approximately 20 steps to an entrance, clapping your hands then return
Relaxed down while you go to an entrance and touch the doorknob or wall and return
Relaxed down for 20 seconds
Relaxed down while you walk approximately 20 steps to an entrance, clapping your hands then return
Relaxed down while you go to an entrance and touch the doorknob or wall and return
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down while the doorknob is touched or you move into the entryway and return
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 15 seconds while you clap your hands
Relaxed down for 10 seconds while you jog in place
Relaxed down for 5 seconds

Session 6

Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 20 seconds while you jog back and forth in front of the dog
Relaxed down for 15 seconds
Relaxed down while you walk approximately 20 steps to an entrance and return
Relaxed down while you walk quickly backward, clapping your hands and return
Relaxed down while you go to an entrance and touch the doorknob or wall and return
Relaxed down for 20 seconds while jogging
Relaxed down while you walk around the dog
Relaxed down while you walk around the dog, clapping your hands
Relaxed down for 15 seconds
Relaxed down for 20 seconds
Relaxed down for 30 seconds
Relaxed down while you walk quickly backward, clapping your hands and return
Relaxed down while you go to an entrance and touch the doorknob or wall and return
Relaxed down while you open the door or go into the entranceway for 5 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you open the door or go into the entranceway for 10 seconds and return
Relaxed down for 30 seconds
Relaxed down while you walk quickly backward, clapping your hands and return
Relaxed down while you go to an entrance and touch the doorknob or wall and return
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down while you go through the door or entranceway and return
Relaxed down while you go through the door or entranceway, clapping your hands, and return
Relaxed down while you go through the door or entranceway for 10 seconds and return
Relaxed down for 30 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 5 seconds and return
Relaxed down for 20 seconds
Relaxed down for 10 seconds while you clap your hands
Relaxed down for 5 seconds

Session 7

Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 20 seconds while you clap your hands
Relaxed down while you take 10 steps backward and return
Relaxed down while you walk around the dog
Relaxed down while you go through the door or the entranceway and then return
Relaxed down while you go through the door or the entranceway, clapping your hands, and return
Relaxed down while you open the door or go through the entranceway for 10 seconds and return
Relaxed down for 30 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 5 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you go through the door or the entranceway and then return
Relaxed down while you go through the door or the entranceway, clapping your hands, and return
Relaxed down while you open the door or go through the entranceway for 10 seconds and return
Relaxed down for 30 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 15 seconds and return
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 15 seconds
Relaxed down for 5 seconds while you clap your hands
Relaxed down while you jog in place for 10 seconds
Relaxed down while you jog 3/4 of the way around the dog to the right and return
Relaxed down while you jog 3/4 of the way around the dog to the left and return
Relaxed down while you go through the door or the entranceway, clapping your hands, and return
Relaxed down while you open the door or go through the entranceway for 10 seconds and return
Relaxed down for 30 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 15 seconds and return
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 5 seconds

Session 8

Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 15 seconds while you jog and clap your hands
Relaxed down while you back up 15 steps and return
Relaxed down while you circle the dog and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 20 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 25 seconds and return
Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down for 5 seconds while you sit in a chair (placed 5 feet from the dog)
Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down for 15 seconds while you jog and clap your hands
Relaxed down while you back up 15 steps and return
Relaxed down while you circle the dog and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 20 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 30 seconds and return
Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down while you circle the dog and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 20 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 25 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you sit in a chair near the dog
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds, sit in a chair for 5 seconds, and return
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 20 seconds while you jog and clap your hands
Relaxed down for 15 seconds while you run around the dog
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 5 seconds while you turn around
Relaxed down for 5 seconds while you sit in a chair near the dog
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds, sit in a chair for 5 seconds, and return
Relaxed down for 10 seconds

Session 9

Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down for 10 seconds while you turn around
Relaxed down for 5 seconds while you jog
Relaxed down while you walk around the dog
Relaxed down while you jog around the dog
Relaxed down while you jog around the dog, clapping your hands
Relaxed down while you jog twice around the dog
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 15 seconds while you clap your hands
Relaxed down for 20 seconds
Relaxed down while you move 3/4 of the way around the dog to the right and return
Relaxed down while you move 3/4 of the way around the dog to the left and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you circle the dog and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 20 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 25 seconds and return
Relaxed down for 5 seconds while you sit in a chair near the dog
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds, sit in a chair for 5 seconds and return
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down while you bend down and touch your toes
Relaxed down while you stretch your arms
Relaxed down while you stretch your arms and jump once
Relaxed down while you touch your toes 5 times
Relaxed down while you stretch your arms and jump 3 times
Relaxed down for 15 seconds
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 5 seconds

Session 10

Relaxed down for 5 seconds while you clap
Relaxed down for 10 seconds while you touch your toes
Relaxed down for 15 seconds while you sit in a chair
Relaxed down while you walk quickly 15 steps to the right and return
Relaxed down while you walk quickly 15 steps to the left and return
Relaxed down while you walk approximately 20 steps to an entrance and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 5 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 15 seconds and return
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down while you walk quickly 15 steps to the right and return
Relaxed down while you walk quickly 15 steps to the left and return
Relaxed down while you walk approximately 20 steps to an entrance and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 5 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 15 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 5 seconds, knock softly on the wall, and return
Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 5 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 15 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 5 seconds, knock softly on the wall, and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, knock quickly but softly on the wall and return
Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds, knock softly on the wall, and return
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 5 seconds

Session 11

Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, knock quickly but softly on the wall and return
Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds, knock softly on the wall, and return
Relaxed down for 30 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, and immediately return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, wait 2 seconds and return
Relaxed down for 30 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, and immediately return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, wait 5 seconds and return
Relaxed down for 30 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, and immediately return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, wait 10 seconds and return
Relaxed down for 5 seconds while you jog around the dog
Relaxed down while you walk around the dog
Relaxed down while you jog around the dog
Relaxed down while you jog around the dog, clapping your hands
Relaxed down while you jog twice around the dog
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 15 seconds while you clap your hands
Relaxed down for 20 seconds
Relaxed down while you move 3/4 of the way around the dog to the right and return
Relaxed down while you move 3/4 of the way around the dog to the left and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you circle the dog and return
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 5 seconds

Session 12

Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 5 seconds while you clap your hands
Relaxed down for 15 seconds
Relaxed down for 20 seconds while you hum
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 20 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 25 seconds and return
Relaxed down for 5 seconds while you sit in a chair near the dog
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds, sit in a chair for 5 seconds and return
Relaxed down for 15 seconds
Relaxed down for 20 seconds while you hum
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 20 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 25 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you move 3/4 of the way around the dog to the right and return
Relaxed down while you move 3/4 of the way around the dog to the left and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you circle the dog and return
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, knock quickly but softly on the wall and return
Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds, knock softly on the wall, and return
Relaxed down for 30 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, and immediately return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, wait 2 seconds and return
Relaxed down for 30 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, say “hello” and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, say “hello”, wait 3 seconds and return
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 5 seconds

Session 13

Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down for 15 seconds while you hum
Relaxed down for 15 seconds while you clap your hands and hum
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 20 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 25 seconds and return
Relaxed down for 5 seconds while you sit in a chair near the dog
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds, sit in a chair for 5 seconds and return
Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, knock quickly but softly on the wall and return
Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds, knock softly on the wall, and return
Relaxed down for 30 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, and immediately return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, wait 2 seconds and return
Relaxed down for 30 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, say “hello”, wait 5 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, knock or ring the doorbell, say “hello”, wait 5 seconds
and return
Relaxed down for 30 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, say “hello”, wait 5 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, knock or ring the doorbell, say “hello”, wait 5 seconds
and return
Relaxed down for 20 seconds while you hum
Relaxed down for 15 seconds while you clap your hands and hum
Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down while you jog around the dog
Relaxed down for 10 seconds while you clap your hands and hum
Relaxed down for 5 seconds while you jog in place
Relaxed down while you jog around the dog, humming

Session 14

Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 5 seconds while you clap your hands and hum
Relaxed down while you jog around the dog
Relaxed down while you walk back and forth to the door
Relaxed down while you leave the room, quickly knock or ring the doorbell and return
Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 5 seconds while you clap your hands and hum
Relaxed down while you run around the dog
Relaxed down while you walk back and forth to the door
Relaxed down while you leave the room, quickly knock or ring the doorbell and return
Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds, knock softly on the wall, and return
Relaxed down for 30 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, and immediately return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, wait 2 seconds and return
Relaxed down for 30 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, say “hello”, wait 5 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, knock or ring the doorbell, say “hello”, wait 10 seconds
and return
Relaxed down for 30 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, say “hello”, wait 10 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, knock or ring the doorbell, say “hello”, wait 10 seconds
and return
Relaxed down for 20 seconds while you hum
Relaxed down for 20 seconds
Relaxed down for 5 seconds

Session 15

Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down for 15 seconds while you clap your hands and hum
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, knock or ring the doorbell, say “hello”, talk for 10
seconds and return
Relaxed down for 20 seconds while you hum
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, say “hello”, invite the imaginary person in, wait 5
seconds, and return
Relaxed down for 10 seconds
Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, say “hello”, invite the imaginary person in, wait 10
seconds, and return
Relaxed down while you disappear from view, say “hello”, talk (as if to someone) for 5 seconds and
Relaxed down for 5 seconds while you clap your hands and hum
Relaxed down while you run around the dog
Relaxed down while you walk back and forth to the door
Relaxed down while you leave the room, quickly knock or ring the doorbell and return
Relaxed down for 5 seconds
Relaxed down while you leave the room, quickly knock or ring the doorbell for 3 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you leave the room, quickly knock or ring the doorbell for 5 seconds and return
Relaxed down while you leave the room and talk for 3 seconds to people who are not there
Relaxed down while you leave the room and talk for 5 seconds to people who are not there
Relaxed down while you leave the room and talk for 10 seconds to people who are not there
Relaxed down while you run around the dog
Relaxed down for 10 seconds while you sit in a chair
Relaxed down for 30 seconds while you sit in a chair
Relaxed down for 15 seconds while you clap your hands and jog
Relaxed down for 5 seconds

For additional variations:

  • Repeat tasks in different locations
  • Repeat tasks with all family members
  • Repeat tasks with only every second or third task rewarded with a treat (remember to praise!)

Once your dog has completed all 15 sessions successfully (not getting up or barking in between tasks), you can start to modify the training exercise to focus on more of your dog’s specific anxiety or reaction triggers (other dogs, loud noises, fast movements, etc).