
Great Start Puppy

Freak On A Leash 2536 Centerville Turnpike S, Chesapeake

Great Start Puppy is a 6-week class teaching a variety of foundational skills and socialization for puppies under 5 months old. Skills covered include loose leash walking, come, settling on […]

Basic Manners

Freak On A Leash 2536 Centerville Turnpike S, Chesapeake

Our Basic Manners Class is the cornerstone for anyone wishing to navigate the world confidently with their furry companion. Designed for dog owners who dream of peaceful walks, quiet meals, […]

Canine Fitness – Workshop

Freak On A Leash 2536 Centerville Turnpike S, Chesapeake

Build your dog’s strength, balance, and body awareness while learning safe exercises to prevent injury and improve overall fitness. Perfect for pet dogs, seniors, and active dogs. Schedule Appointment