
Finding the Best Puppy Class

best puppy class in Virginia Beach

best puppy class in Virginia Beach

Training your new puppy is an important part of being a responsible pet owner. Not only does it help your puppy learn important skills and behaviors, but it can also strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend. One of the best ways to do this is to enroll your puppy in a training class with a certified dog trainer.

But with so many to choose from, how do you know which class is right for your puppy? Here are some tips on how to find a good class for your puppy and the reasons to take a puppy class with a certified dog trainer:

What to consider when looking for a puppy class

Chesapeake, VA puppy class

Look for a trainer who uses positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is a training method where good behavior is rewarded with treats, praise or other rewards. This is a much more effective and humane method than punishment or fear to train your puppy. A certified trainer who uses positive reinforcement is more likely to help your puppy learn in an enjoyable and stress-free way. Even if the trainer claims to use positive reinforcement, make sure there are no aversives used like spraying a puppy when barking, leash jerking or intimidation. Young puppies are very vulnerable and it can have an effect on them to be scared in a class.

Check the trainer’s credentials. It’s important that the trainer you choose has the proper training and experience to teach your puppy. Just because someone claims to have worked with dogs for the last 50 years doesn’t mean they will be up to date on training methods that are humane and science based. Look for trainers who are certified by reputable organizations such as the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT), Certification Council for Professional (CCPDT)or the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC). These organizations have strict standards for trainers and require them to have a certain level of education and experience. Certified dog trainers have to earn continuing education units to stay up to date on training dogs.

Pay attention to class size. Smaller classes are often better for puppies because they allow for more individualized attention and instruction.This is especially important for puppies who are just starting to learn basic obedience skills. If the group is too large, your puppy may get lost in the crowds and not get the attention he needs to learn effectively. If the class size is big an assistant should be there to help the trainer. A goog trainer will let you attend a class without your puppy, this is a very good idea if you are not sure what methods of training will be used in the class.

Find a class that focuses on the skills you want to teach your puppy. Different training classes may focus on different skills, so it’s important to find a class that fits your goals. Classes with the emphasis on teaching your puppy good behaviors and prevent issues are much better than those that just focus on basic obedience commands like “sit” and “down,” A good puppy class will be a great step into more advanced tricks or preparing for specific activity, like dog sports such as agility, obedience or therapy work because foundation skills are so important. A good training program should teach puppy owners about the right and wrongs of puppy socialization and make puppies more confident.

best puppy training class near me

Consider the location and schedule. It’s important to find a class that works for you and your puppy. Look for a class that is close to your home or workplace and fits into your schedule. This way, you’re more likely to be committed to the class and able to attend regularly.

Read about AKC Star puppy classes here

So why is it so important to take a puppy class with a certified trainer?

Here are a few reasons:

Early training is crucial. Puppies are most receptive to new things between 8 and 16 weeks of age. This is a critical window of time for learning basic obedience skills and socialization. By enrolling your puppy in a class with a certified professional dog trainer, you can take advantage of this window of time and set your puppy up for success.

A certified trainer can help you understand your puppy’s behavior. Puppies can be very demanding, and it’s not always easy to understand why they do the things they do. A certified trainer can help you understand your puppy’s behavior and give you guidance on how to manage it effectively. This can help you avoid common pitfalls and build a strong foundation for your puppy’s future training.

A certified trainer can show you how to effectively train your puppy. Training your puppy can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be challenging if you’re not sure what you’re doing. A certified trainer can provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to effectively and consistently train your puppy. He can teach you how to use positive reinforcement, how to communicate clearly with your puppy, and how to solve any problems that may arise.

Training classes provide socialization. Socialization is an important part of a puppy’s development, and training classes provide a great opportunity for your puppy to interact with other puppies and people. This way, your puppy will learn how to behave when interacting with others, and can also help prevent behavior problems later on.

Overall, taking a puppy class with a certified trainer is an important investment in your puppy’s future. It can provide a solid foundation for training your puppy, help you understand your puppy’s behavior, and show you how to effectively train your puppy. So if you’re thinking about enrolling your puppy in a training class, do your research and choose a class with a certified trainer who uses positive reinforcement. With a little effort and commitment, you and your puppy can enjoy the benefits of training for years to come.

Looking for the best puppy class in Chesapeake, Va and Virginia Beach? Freak On A Leash offers open enrollment puppy classes with professional dog trainer (CCPDT certified). Sign up here for a class


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