Coming When Called

Coming When Called

Recalls If you were to ask me: “What is the most important cue to teach to dog?“ I would tell you it is the recall cue such as “come,” “here,” or whatever you’d like to call the behavior of running back to you or coming when called.  If you have a reliable...
Enrichment for Dogs

Enrichment for Dogs

Enriching your dog’s life doesn’t have to be difficult! Enrichment with Food In my last post I told you about the confidence boosting abilities of food enrichment. In this post I want to share more ideas on how to make your dog’s meal times more enriching....

Shy puppy

New puppy, but she’s shy… Getting a new puppy is so exciting, even before the puppy arrives in your home. You’ve already been thinking about how you will teach your new friend all the behaviors that are so important for a dog to learn, like sit and down,...