
Small Breed Dogs: Treat Them Like Big Dogs

scared chihuahua puppy

Napoleon Complex? Why you should treat your small breed a like a big dog.

Small Chihuahua in Napoleonic attire with an exaggerated shadow, portraying a mighty presence.

Key Takeaways

  • Small dog breeds have big personalities and require the same level of care and attention as larger dogs.
  • Treating small dogs like big dogs can help address behavioral issues and promote their overall well-being.
  • Socialization, training, and exercise are essential for small breed dogs to thrive.
  • Understanding the psychological needs of small breeds is critical for their happiness and mental health.
  • Small breed dogs are capable of achieving great things and have inspirational qualities to share.
  • Positive reinforcement and creating a safe environment are important for effective training and character development in small breed dogs.


Small dog breeds often get a bad reputation for having a “Napoleon Complex” – a term used to describe aggressive and overcompensating behavior due to their small size. It is important to debunk this myth and understand that small breed dogs are just as deserving of love, care, and proper training as their larger counterparts. In fact, treating your small breed like a big dog can have numerous benefits for both you and your furry companion. By providing them with the same level of attention and care, you can help them lead fulfilling lives and foster a strong bond with you.

Treating Your Small Breed Like a Big Dog: The Essentials

When it comes to treating your small breed like a big dog, there are a few essential aspects to consider. Small breed dogs, as recognized by the American Kennel Club, may be small in size but possess big personalities. They are not just lap dogs or fashion accessories; they have the same needs and requirements as any other dog. By understanding and fulfilling these needs, you can ensure that your small breed thrives both physically and mentally.

1. Establishing Consistent Leadership

Small dog breeds may be physically tiny, but they still require strong and consistent leadership from their pet parents. It is important to establish and set clear boundaries and expectations for your small dog. By doing so, you can prevent behavioral issues and create a harmonious relationship based on trust and respect. Small dogs can be prone to developing behavioral problems such as fear-based aggression or excessive barking, but with consistent leadership, these issues can be effectively addressed.

2. Socialization: Exposing Your Small Dog to the Big World

Socialization is a crucial aspect of raising a well-rounded and confident small dog. Exposing your small breed to different environments, people, and other animals from a young age can help them develop positive associations and reduce the likelihood of fear or aggression. Here are some tips for effectively socializing your small dog:

  • Introduce them to new experiences gradually. Start with low-stress environments and gradually expose them to more challenging situations.
  • Encourage positive interactions with other dogs. Organize playdates with well-behaved dogs of various sizes to help your small breed learn how to interact appropriately.
  • Expose them to different types of people. Introduce your small dog to people of different ages, sizes, and appearances to ensure they will feel comfortable in a variety of social situations.
  • Reward and praise. Use positive reinforcement techniques such as treats and praise to reward your small dog for calm and friendly behavior during socialization experiences.

3. Training Beyond Basic Commands: Agility and Intelligence Games

Training is not just for large breeds; small dogs benefit greatly too. In fact, training small breeds goes beyond basic commands and can include activities such as agility courses and intelligence games. Small dog breeds like miniature poodles and toy dogs are known for their intelligence an trainability. Engaging them in activities that challenge their minds and bodies can keep them mentally stimulated and physically fit. Whether it’s navigating through an obstacle course or solving puzzles, these activities can help your small breed develop confidence and improve their overall well-being.

4. Addressing Behavioral Issues with Patience and Understanding

Small breed dogs may be more prone to certain behavioral issues, but with the right approach, these issues can be addressed effectively. It is important to approach behavioral issues with patience and understanding, as small dogs may exhibit fear-based aggression, resource guarding, or excessive barking. By understanding the root causes of these behaviors and working with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist, you can develop a tailored training plan to address these issues. Patience, positive reinforcement, and consistency are all important in helping your small breed overcome behavioral challenges and develop into a well-behaved and balanced companion.

6. Healthcare: Preventive Measures for Common Small Breed Concerns

Just like any other dog, small breed dogs may have certain health concerns that need to be addressed. It is crucial to prioritize their healthcare and take preventive measures to ensure their well-being. Common small breed health concerns include dental issues, luxating patellas, and heart problems, such as mitral valve disease. Regular veterinary check-ups, proper dental care, and a balanced diet can help prevent these health issues. Additionally, providing appropriate exercise and maintaining a healthy weight can also contribute to their overall health and longevity. By staying proactive and taking preventive measures, you can help your small breed dog live a happy and healthy life.

7. Understanding the Psychological Needs of Small Breeds

Small breed dogs have unique psychological needs that should not be overlooked. Despite their size, they often possess great watchdog abilities and expressive eyes that clearly communicate their emotions. It is important to understand and cater to these psychological needs to ensure their well-being. Small breed dogs thrive on companionship and may become anxious or develop separation anxiety if left alone for extended periods. Providing them with mental stimulation, enriching toys, and plenty of social interaction can help fulfill their psychological needs. Additionally, creating a safe and secure environment at home, especially for apartment living, is essential for their comfort and happiness.

9. Creating a Safe and Stimulating Environment at Home

Creating a safe and stimulating environment at home is vital to any dog’s overall well-being and happiness. Here are some tips to create an ideal living space for your small companion:

  • Provide a designated space. Set up a comfortable and secure area for your small breed dog with their bed, toys, and water. Designate this area as a “safe space” where your dog can count on being undisturbed.
  • Ensure a safe environment. Remove any potential hazards such as toxic plants or small objects that can be swallowed.
  • Offer mental stimulation. Provide interactive toys and puzzles to keep your small dog mentally engaged and prevent boredom.
  • Promote physical exercise. Despite their size, small dogs still need regular exercise. Take them for walks, engage in play sessions, or consider agility training to keep them active and healthy.

10. The Role of Positive Reinforcement in Training

Positive reinforcement is a highly effective training method for small breed dogs. Using rewards such as treats, praise, and playtime can motivate and encourage desired behaviors. Small dogs, often referred to as “purse dogs” or “lap dogs,” respond well to positive reinforcement as they enjoy the interaction and attention from their pet parents. By focusing on rewarding good behavior rather than punishing unwanted behavior, you can create a positive training environment and build a strong bond with your small breed dog. It is important to be consistent and patient, as some small dogs may require additional time and repetition to grasp new cues and behaviors. With positive reinforcement, you can help your small breed thrive and develop into a well-behaved and happy companion.

Misconceptions About Small Breed Dogs

Despite their small size, small breed dogs are often subject to misconceptions. Many people believe that small dogs are less capable, less trainable, and more prone to behavioral issues compared to medium or large dogs. However, these misconceptions fail to acknowledge the individuality and potential of small breed dogs. By understanding the true nature and capabilities of small breeds, we can appreciate their unique qualities and provide them with the care and training they deserve.

Debunking the Myth of the “Napoleon Complex”

The “Napoleon Complex” is a common myth associated with small breed dogs, suggesting that their small size leads to aggressive and overcompensating behavior. However, this myth is unfounded and fails to recognize the individual temperaments and personalities of dogs. Small breed dogs are not inherently more aggressive or difficult to train than larger breeds. Like any other dog, their behavior is shaped by their upbringing, socialization, and training. By treating small breed dogs with respect, providing proper training and socialization, and meeting their physical and psychological needs, we can debunk the myth of the “Napoleon Complex” and promote a more positive and accurate understanding of small breeds.

Small But Mighty: Recognizing Their Capabilities

Small breed dogs may be small in size, but they are capable of achieving great things. From participating in agility competitions to serving as therapy dogs or search and rescue dogs, small breeds have proven their capabilities time and time again. For example, the Japanese Chin, a small breed known for its elegance and grace, has excelled in agility competitions, showcasing their athleticism and intelligence. These inspirational stories of small breed dogs achieving big things highlight the potential and versatility of small breeds. By recognizing their capabilities and providing them with the necessary training and opportunities, small breed dogs can continue to make a positive impact and break down stereotypes.

Inspirational Stories of Small Dogs Achieving Big Things

Small breed dogs have achieved remarkable feats and overcome challenges to showcase their abilities. These inspirational stories serve as a reminder of the potential and resilience of small breed dogs. From rescue to agility champions, small dogs have proven time and time again that size does not limit their capabilities. These stories of triumph inspire us to treat small breed dogs with the same level of respect and care as their larger counterparts.

Spryte’s Journey: From Rescue to Agility Champion

One such inspirational story is that of Spryte, a small breed dog who was rescued from a shelter and went on to become an agility champion. Spryte’s journey is a testament to the determination and potential of small breed dogs. With the right training and opportunities, he proved that size is not a limitation when it comes to achieving greatness. Spryte’s story serves as an inspiration for pet parents of small breed dogs, encouraging them to provide their furry companions with the care, training, and opportunities they need to thrive and reach their full potential. Read about Spryte’s journey here.

Bella’s Tale: Overcoming Fear with Courage and Training

Bella, a small breed dog, had a difficult start in life, experiencing fear and anxiety due to past trauma. However, with the help of a dedicated pet parent and professional training, Bella was able to overcome her fears and develop into a confident and well-adjusted dog. Bella’s tale exemplifies the resilience and potential of small breed dogs. By providing them with the necessary support and training, small breed dogs can overcome their challenges and lead fulfilling lives. Bella’s story serves as a reminder of the importance of patience, understanding, and positive reinforcement in helping small breed dogs to overcome their fears and thrive.

Practical Tips for Training Small Breed Dogs

Training small breed dogs requires a tailored approach that takes into account their unique needs and characteristics. Here are some practical tips to help you effectively train your small breed dog and promote their well-being:

  • Choose training methods that emphasize positive reinforcement.
  • Be consistent with your cues and expectations.
  • Provide mental and physical stimulation through interactive toys and games.
  • Socialize your small breed dog from an early age.
  • Seek professional help if needed.

Choosing the Right Training Methods for Your Small Dog

When it comes to training small breed dogs, it is highly important to choose the right methods that suit their individual needs and temperament. Positive reinforcement training methods, which focus on rewarding desired behaviors, are particularly effective for small dogs. Small dog breeds, such as the Border Terrier or Boston Terrier, respond well to these methods as they enjoy the attention and rewards. By tailoring the training approach to the specific needs of your small breed dog, you can ensure that they learn and thrive in a positive and supportive environment.

The Benefits of Professional Training Classes

Enrolling your small breed dog in professional training classes can offer numerous benefits. Professional trainers have experience working with various breeds, including small dogs, and can provide guidance and support tailored to their specific needs. Training classes also offer opportunities for socialization, allowing your small breed dog to interact with other dogs in a controlled environment. Additionally, a professional trainer can help address specific behavioral issues and provide techniques to overcome them. By investing in professional training classes, you can ensure that your small breed dog receives the proper guidance and education they need to become well-behaved and happy companions.


In essence, treating small breed dogs like big dogs involves establishing partnership, effective socialization, and providing appropriate training. By understanding your small dog’s psychological needs and offering a stimulating environment, you can help them thrive. Addressing misconceptions and focusing on your dog’s capabilities can lead to inspirational success stories. Remember, positive reinforcement is key in training these little pups to reach their full potential. So debunk the myth of the “Napoleon Complex” and embrace the mighty spirit of your small breed dog. Let your furry companion shine bright with love, care, and training tailored to their individual needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to train small breed dogs like big dogs?

Small dogs have the same needs and capabilities as larger breeds and require proper training to thrive. Training small breed dogs like big dogs is important to ensure their well-being, address behavioral issues, and foster a strong bond between pet parents and their furry companions.

How can I socialize my small dog effectively?

Effective socialization for small dogs involves gradually exposing them to various environments, people, and other animals from a young age, particularly during their critical socialization window. Positive reinforcement and rewarding calm behavior during socialization experiences can help small dogs develop positive associations and reduce fear or aggression.

What kind of exercise is best for small breed dogs?

Small breed dogs benefit from a combination of mental and physical exercise. Short walks, interactive play sessions, and activities such as agility training can help keep them mentally stimulated and physically fit. Tailor the exercise routine to your small breed’s specific needs and abilities.

How do I deal with my small dog’s aggression towards larger dogs?

Dealing with a small dog’s aggressive behavior towards larger dogs requires careful management and training. Gradual exposure to well-behaved larger dogs, positive reinforcement for calm behavior, and seeking help from a professional can help address the aggression and promote positive interactions.

Can small dogs participate in agility and obedience competitions?

Yes, small dogs can participate in agility and obedience competitions. Many small breeds, including athletic breeds like the Japanese Chin and Papillon, excel in agility competitions. With proper training and guidance, small dogs can showcase their abilities and compete alongside larger breeds.

What are common health issues in small breeds and how can they be prevented?

Common health issues in small breeds include dental problems, luxating patella, and heart conditions. Regular veterinary check-ups, proper dental care, a balanced diet, and maintaining a healthy weight can help prevent these health concerns in small breed dogs.

Are small breed dogs harder to train than big dogs?

Training difficulty can vary among individual dogs, regardless of their size. While small breed dogs may require additional patience and repetition, they are not inherently harder to train than big dogs. Positive reinforcement and consistency are key factors in successful training for all breeds.

How can I help my small dog overcome separation anxiety?

Helping a small dog overcome separation anxiety requires a gradual desensitization process. Start by leaving them alone for short periods that they can handle and gradually increase the duration. Provide interactive toys and create a safe and comforting environment to help alleviate their anxiety.

How can positive reinforcement be used effectively in training small breed dogs?

Positive reinforcement is a highly effective training method for small breed dogs. It utilizes treats, praise, and playtime as rewards for desired behaviors. Being consistent, patient, and offering frequent positive reinforcement will help your small breed dog learn and thrive.

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