Identifying Aggression in Dogs

Identifying Aggression in Dogs

Signs, Symptoms, and Causes The most common signs of aggressive behavior in dogs include: growling, snarling, snapping, baring teeth, barking or lunging. Depending on the individual dog and situation, other body language signs may be exhibited such as a stiffened...
8 Tips on How to Stop Pulling on Leash

8 Tips on How to Stop Pulling on Leash

Are you and your pup having difficulty mastering the art of loose leash walking? If so, you’re not alone! Many dog owners find themselves struggling to keep their pup from dragging them along when out for a stroll. Fortunately, with some tips and tricks up your...
Ultimate Guide to Dog Sports

Ultimate Guide to Dog Sports

Are you ready to take your pup from couch potato to sports star? Dog sports are an engaging way to stimulate both the mind and body of our beloved four-legged friends. Whether you’re a dog owner looking for fun ways to exercise with your canine companion, or a...